In 2016, I earned a bachelor's degree from Xiamen University. After graduation, I began my career as a primary Java engineer at Meili Inc, a Hangzhou-based e-commerce fashion enterprise that is renowned for its consumer platform, Mogujie. However, due to personal reasons, I resigned from Meili Inc in April 2018 and returned to Chengdu where I started working at an online education company called xxx. Since then, I have been working as a Java backend developer at xxx, where I am responsible for designing and constructing RESTful web services using SpringBoot, SpringCloud, MySQL, Redis, and Kafka. Since I graduated I have been writing some technical blogs in Chinese to prepare for job interviews. At the same time, I used them to reflect on my work experience and learn different technical skills. Now my plan is to create some English articles which will serve two purposes: for my career advancement and for improving my proficiency in English. If you have any questions about either my articles or me personally, please reach me via email at muzhou1994@gmail.com.